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11 day journey took 40 years bible verse

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For who provoked Him when they had heard? Like the man standing on the water bottle, appearance can be very deceiving. Perspective is everything! Wow, they spent 40 years on a journey that should have lasted 11 days. And so we see that they were not able to enter because of unbelief." Moses was asked to take off his sandals by God. I have no proof of this point other than what I read yet the first month stuck me deeply today which caused me to do a lot of research. The Exodus from Egypt is laden with a certain fear of the unknown, and it seems that God was worried that once the Israelites saw the challenges that would arise while wandering in the desert, they would prefer to return to Egypt, where, although enslaved, they at least felt a certain degree of consistency in their lives, a familiar routine. AND. Having trouble reading this image? This took me back to the tender, gentle conversation his father-in-law, Jethro (a Midianite Priest) gave Moses. Whether it is January or December . JUMP in. In Psalm 78 I read that God brought them out of Egypt, led them through the Red Sea, guided them by cloud and by fire, and gave them water to drink and food to eat (which is essentially saying that God gave them life), and yetthey kept on sinning. Create a free website or blog at Did you recognize any of the names? If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. I believe the restoration has taken place and I also believe God has spoken to me to give my notice where I am now living so I can move. Of the 12 scouts only 2 of them had faith that God would help them conquer the land. He also reminds them of all the people they have recently encountered wars they had won BECAUSE GOD WAS DOING THE FIGHTING FOR THEM the people God told them to destroy and who to avoid w ho to pay for EVERY thing they used while walking through their lands. Why did an 11 day journey took 40 years Bible verse? As I was reading the Bible this morning my mind and heart were arrested by a line in Deuteronomy 1:2-3. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! In the Bible, the Israelites wandered for forty years before they entered Canaan.In history, on the other hand, there was no Exodus from Egypt and no militiary conquest of Canaan as described. The number 40 shows up often in the Bible. This took me back to the tender, gentle conversation his father-in-law, Jethro (a Midianite Priest) gave Moses. The Holy Spirit has been bringing up 11 days when I am quiet and Im asking Him to tell me what it means. They sinned, rebelled, and worshiped other gods. Twelve spies brought back a report of fruitful land filled with giants and mighty people. You see its Not SO Much about the birth of CHRIST but HIS death & resurrection. Obviously, the straight road is preferable to the crooked; strategically, physically, and ethically; indeed, the metaphorical use of these expressions the straight and the crooked paths is a commonplace in ethical writings. Frequently, you have the same familiar dilemma, yet if you ask a group of people to find the answer, each person will come up his or her own unique way of solving the problem. He reminded this NEW generation of their parents' and relatives' rebelling, grumbling, murmuring, arrogance, and involvement with worshipers of other gods which all lead to them wandering and . Includes 1611 KJV and 1769 Cambridge KJV. Their lack of belief in Gods word and promises brought forth the wrath of God. Moses is telling them the history of the development of their nation!! And with whom was He angry for forty years? Because of this lack of faith, God said they would all die out (except the 2 faithful scouts Joshua and Caleb) and not enter the land. Thus the time that Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel was forty years. 40 years in wilderness should have only taken 11 days, Reading the Bible Chronologically in 365 days, Genesis 8:13 Noah saw that the ground was dry after the flood. Get Verse of the Day delivered to your inbox. 14:8-10 The Wilderness Years. Verse Concepts When he mentioned the ark of God, Eli fell off the seat backward beside the gate, and his neck was broken and he died, for he was old and heavy. [3] In the fortieth year, on the first day of the eleventh month, Moses spoke to the people of Israel according to all that the LORD had given him in commandment to them, [4] after he had defeated Sihon the king of the Amorites, who lived in Heshbon, and Og the king of Bashan, who lived in Ashtaroth and in Edrei. Moses was on Mt. (Hebrews 3:12-19). At the end of that time, theyre back in Kadesh-barnea. A Godly Perspective . God has plans for us. A 40 Day Fasting Bible Study. They spent 40 years on a journey that should have lasted 11 days because of grumbling, selfishness, a lack of trust in God, rebellion, a failure to remember and reflect upon the ways of God in their lives, . Reading the Bible Chronologically in 365 days, Genesis 8:13 Noah saw that the ground was dry after the flood. Chapter 2 Moses reminds the NEW generation that they have lacked for NOTHING during their 40 year journey. They returned after forty days of exploration. I am praying for you NOW. Email address will not be displayed with the comment.). God will help you, just ask. Jesus (c. 4 BC - AD 30 or 33), also referred to as Jesus Christ or Jesus of Nazareth (among other names and titles), was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader; he is the central figure of Christianity, the world's largest religion.Most Christians believe he is the incarnation of God the Son and the awaited Messiah (the Christ) prophesied in the Hebrew Bible. God had promised Abraham that his descendants would return to Canaan "in the fourth generation" (Genesis 15:16). Rather, they would suffer by wandering in the wilderness for forty years, one year for each of the forty days they explored the land (Numbers 14:34). Have faith and take the land. Did you recognize any of the names? He knew he needed help leading this nation. You would think that in fleeing from the enemy, in hot pursuit of freedom, they would want to reach safety as soon as possible. God's rejection is not a picture of the saved people. Zornberg points to very real challenges with journeying: anxiety, uncertainty. (Israel traveled to Mount Sinai and spent almost a year there before going to Kadesh-barnea the first time.) [8] See, I have set the land before you. Horeb (1 Kings 19:8). May HIS Will be done in and through me. It is NEVER too late to jump into God's word. They spent 40 years on a journey that should have lasted 11 days because of grumbling, selfishness, a lack of trust in God, rebellion, a failure to remember and reflect upon the ways of God in their lives, . They complained all the time and eventually drove even Moses to sin. So, God had Moses repeat everything for the people. Comments are moderated and will not appear until approved by the author. Focus Verse: Genesis 11:3-7. For the next several centuries the Israelites were enslaved by the Egyptians who worked them ruthlessly (Exodus 1:13). . For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. GOD'S WORD Translation For 40 years the Israelites wandered through the desert until all their soldiers who left Egypt died. Exodus 12 The FIRST Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread (and future Passovers take place in the first month). 1:2-3 (NKJV) 2 Remember that these forty years the LORD your God led you all the way in the wilderness, so that He might humble you and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you . These are the names of the sons of Aaron: Nadab the firstborn, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. 1 Day 1. And the tempter came and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread." Wow, they spent 40 years on a journey that should have lasted 11 days. Additionally, the ten men who had given the bad report were struck down and died of a plague before the Lord (Numbers 14:37). The distance from Mt. Yet, like many people, they walked by sight and not by faith, and their unbelief displeased God. The Church fails significantly when godly Christian leaders and members do not take the New Testament commands of discipline and corrections from Matthew 18: 15-18, 1 Corinthians 5:9-13, Galatians 6:1-5, and 2 John 7-11, to mention a few, seriously to keep the Church pure. This one-year plan will take you on a journey in Faith and Love through the New Testament. After God rescued Israel from Egypt, the people quickly grumbled. ". The people of Israel spent 40 years in the desert. Believing the report of the ten doubters, the people lost heart and rebelled. Moses begins a recap of their journey but does not begin with their departure out of Egypt. He can be reached at [emailprotected]. Its safe to say ALL THINGS pertaining to LIFE & GODLINESS are STILL in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER! Initially, they flourished under the leadership of Joseph, number two in charge of the country after Pharaoh. God gave me a promise many years ago in II Kings 8:6 and I have held onto to that promise. They were to take possession of the land God had promised their forefathers, a land flowing with milk and honey (Exodus 3:8). These are the generations of Aaron and Moses at the time when the Lord spoke with Moses on Mount Sinai. The Israelites are now in Kadesh-barnea, the edge of the Promised Land. Both Moses and God WANTED the NEW generation to do what their relatives had not. If you wish to contact me privately you may do so by sending me an email at Psalm 78 reflects upon and remembers the story of the Israelites from the time of their deliverance from slavery in Egypt to their hopeful days in the midst of King David's reign. At the same time, I also think that there is something profound in taking road less traveled, even if longer, windier and more dangerous along the way. The first thing that stood out to me was the first month in the Jewish calendar which is called Nisan on their sacred calendar. The 40 year Wilderness wandering refers to the plight of the Israelites due to their disobedience and unbelief in God. God is so good, yet we rebell. Trust in the Lord on your long journey. Thank you, just started to read the whole Bible, an wanted to know why it took 40 years instead of 2 days, why are people so stubborn, in heart. Sharing HIS love. And Othniel the son of Kenaz died. DAY 16 JOURNEY THROUGH THE BIBLE IN A YEAR. Bible Theasaurus Days ( 1107 instances) Forty ( 156 instances) Moses took Jethros advice. What is the healthiest shampoo for your scalp? Seldom are we actually able to travel in a direct, nonstop path. As a final step before posting your comment, enter the letters and numbers you see in the image below. Create a free website or blog at This post is also available in: (Hindi) God's Promise to Abraham. For this 40 day fast, I will be digging into the word and sharing it devotional style here. Moses reminds the people of the sins of their ancestors. Text Verse: "The words of the wise are like goads, and the words of scholars are like well-driven nails, given by one Shepherd. Upon their arrival at Kadesh Barnea, which bordered the Promised Land of Canaan, they sent out twelve spies to survey the land and its people (Numbers 13:1825). Can I confess my sins to God instead of a priest? But when they finish until 40 days most of them will receive power from the spirit. It is a review of the history of the Jewish nation. [2] Then the first month (Nisan Mar-Apr) of their 41st year is when they entered the Promised Land(Joshua 4:19.) In verse 7 the Lord tells them to break camp and in verse 8 go in and TAKE possess of the land that the Lord swore HE would give them. Because I have a Spiritual daughter that has the gift if dreams and visions. In this passage Moses was getting ready to address the Israelites as they were about to enter into the Promised Land. Required fields are marked *. Looking at the number 40 in the Bible is fascinating. In this account of that time, we read, "It is eleven day's journey from Horeb by way of Mount Seir to Kadesh-barnea. What are six qualities that mature people have? Here are the introductory comments in the first chapter of Deuteronomy. However, the people CHOSE God, then CHOSE murmuring which lead to rebellion which all lead to CONSEQUENCES directly from their choices. If only the Jewish people hadn't skipped that class while enslaved in Egypt, perhaps it wouldn't have taken them 40 years to arrive at the Promised Land. WHOAAAAA .. an 11 day trip that took 40 YEARS!!! They spent 40 years on a journey that should have lasted 11 days! The sons of Israel ate the manna forty years, until they came to an inhabited land; they ate the manna until they came to the border of the land of Canaan. Second set of 40 years. When a devoted believers do fasting without food and water until 40 days there are tons of bad spirit will go into their mind..They encountered misappropriation. Support The Healthy Journal! And so we see that they were not able to enter because of unbelief. 1 John 4:20. Create a free website or blog at 2021 by Godly Increase. And so I am fasting and praying for GOD to reveal more to me. These Lent devotionals will take you on a journey to discover the abundant life that Jesus offers. So TODAY is the perfect day to begin. Your sons shall be shepherds for forty years in the wilderness, and they will suffer for your unfaithfulness, until your corpses lie in the wilderness. elizabeth wambui | We had spirit bodies. Maybe I dont make sense or you may Not agree, but I do suggest that Everyone pray and fast for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. While they were in the desert, God gave them miraculuous provision: manna from heaven for food, and water from a rock. When the people CHOSE GOD, He then gave them The 10 Commandments so they would know HOW to live a holy life. This is the "doubting chapter." The years of wandering were not exactly wasted. Haines, Seth: The Book of Waking Up: Experiencing the Divine Love That Reorders a Life, Miller, Donald: Hero on a Mission: A Path to a Meaningful Life, Pressfield, Steven: Govt Cheese: A Memoir, Shaw, Luci: Eye of the Beholder (Paraclete Poetry), Eldredge, John: Walking with God: How to Hear His Voice, Keller, Timothy: Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God's Work, MacDonald, Gordon: The Life God Blesses: Weathering The Storms Of Life That Threaten The Soul. It wasn't the distance of the journey that delayed their arrival, but rather it was the path that they chose to take. 2 Chronicles 29 Hezekiah purified the Temple of the Lord. And He promised to lead them to the land "flowing with . Comments are moderated, and will not appear until the author has approved them. . So TODAY is the perfect day to begin. And I found this blog. And finally here Moses brings a news from the LORD God saying that it is now the time to enter the Promised Land. After enduring the last of the ten plagues the death of the firstborn males Pharaoh finally agreed to release the Israelites. Awesome assessment here! Required fields are marked *. The image of Israel from Deuteronomy 1 and throughout the Old Testament is a people without joy, contentment, godly peace, and especially without saving faith. I appreciate you for ur obedience & thirst even from 5 years ago which God knew i would be informed by today. I don't want to wander for 40 years and waste the precious days of my life. Was it not with those who sinned, whose dead bodies fell in the wilderness? So, He had them wander around the desert for almost 40 years. But even from the get-go, they were going out of their way. I want to fully enjoy this life You have for me. 2 Day 2. Acknowledge him in all your ways, and he will make your paths straight. GOT BEHIND? And I felt led to Google about the journey. Was it not with those who sinned, whose dead bodies fell in the wilderness? JUST STARTING? Not long, Not really How-To style. How much baking soda does it take to unclog a sink? - At the Passover - during the first month of Nisan!! I believe we all fall into a complaining,doubting,sometimes murmuring, mindset,but God who loves us so much, give us through the Holy spirit an awakening moment, that allows us to see who He truly is, through all our uncertainty.We must trust God as we journey through life. The kingdom of heaven - the kingdom of life and love and joy - is closer than we think. They died because they disobeyed the LORD. 12 And further, my son, be admonished by these. "Take care, brothers and sisters, that there will not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God. Periods and numbers Forty days Forty years Psalm 95:10 Verse Concepts "For forty years I loathed that generation, In the Bible, the number 40 is of great significance. Im much better off when I follow the first time. I have read more than a couple of bible commentaries which also state from information they have gathered through the Bible that Jesus was probably born in the first month of Nisan because this is when the shepherds would have been out in their fields. Nearly 3,500 years ago, God delivered His people from Egyptian bondage as described in Exodus, chapters 112. - Deut. And God the spirit will give them wisdom in heaven. Free from bondage. Its narrative is never restricted to dry facts alone, but comes to reveal the human factors and the psychological/spiritual import of events. and how long will it be ere they believe me, for all the signs which I have shewed among them? Numbers 14:11, However, Moses once again interceded for his people and turned away the wrath of God (Numbers 14:1320). The additional study & researching youve done, further informed me of more historical truths/facts which i didnt expect to be reading lol but early Sunday morning. .. JUST AS HE DOES FOR US TODAY. This brings us back to our verses. Id love to hear your questions, or comments, your favorite verse today, any thing that impacted you, or how God is moving in your life , Your email address will not be published. They take faith to live out. In his poem The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost wrote, Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. I think that there is something to be said for taking the easy route because it makes us feel safe. etc. This doesn't mean that 40 is entirely symbolic; it still has a literal meaning in Scripture. . Thus he judged Israel forty years. In verse 2 we are told that this 40 year wilderness journey SHOULD have ONLY taken 11 days!!! The text for this article is from Deuteronomy one, verse one and following, where we read, "These are the words which Moses spoke to all Israel across the Jordan in the wilderness, in the Arabah opposite Suph, between Paran and Tophel and Laban and Hazeroth and Disahab.". Joshua is getting old. And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature. This truth has never changed. 11 Day Trip Takes 40 Years Today's reading comes from Deuteronomy 1-3. [5] Beyond the Jordan, in the land of Moab, Moses undertook to explain this law, saying, [6] The LORD our God said to us in Horeb, You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Rebellious Deut. It seems, however, that God had other plans for . WHOAAAAA .. an 11 day trip that took 40 YEARS!!! And at God's appointed time, He delivered His people with mighty hand and great miracles from the bondage of Egypt (Exodus 1-12). In verse 2 we are told that this 40 year wilderness journey SHOULD have ONLY taken 11 days!!! Moses begins a recap of their journey but does not begin with their departure out of Egypt. Each person was to gather just what he or she needed for that day and a double portion on the day before the Sabbath (verses 16, 22). Because of unbelief. from heaven for food, and will not appear until approved by the author has them... Me was the first Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread ( and future Passovers take in... Eleazar, and water from a rock me was the first month.! Obedience & thirst even from 5 years ago which God knew I would be informed by.. 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11 day journey took 40 years bible verse